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Total Guidance savings calculator

Alight value drivers:

Lower healthcare costs (claims) ↓

Increase healthcare quality ↑

Less employee absence ↓

Learn the value of Alight’s Total Guidance services.

Help employees make better healthcare decisions and curb overspending with Alight's healthcare navigation solutions. Our experts and always-on digital tools help simplify the healthcare experience, providing personalized support at any point in the journey.

What value can Alight Total Guidance bring to your organization?

$0 to $0

Annual value (U.S. dollars)

*This calculator and its results have been prepared by Alight Solutions LLC (“Alight”) solely for discussion purposes, contain confidential information and should be treated accordingly by you. The results reflect certain estimates and assumptions by Alight, which may or may not be correct. Alight makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the results and will not be liable for any direct, consequential, or other loss arising from your use of the results. Any subsequent services relationship between you and Alight will be governed by a mutually acceptable definitive written agreement.

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