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Health Benefits

Get more from your health benefits

Engage employees with their health benefits in an impactful way. ROI guaranteed.

With us, it’s possible

Health benefits are one of the largest expenses to an organization, while also one of the most complicated. The landscape changes rapidly and there’s no shortage of solutions out there. But are any helping you navigate, utilize and ultimately save on your investment? To give your people the best experience and your business the best return, you need steadfast, integrated solutions to help everyone save in the long run. 

Make benefits easy to choose and use

Many people don’t understand their health benefits, where to find care and how to handle the complexities of family, dependents and chronic conditions. It’s a struggle to make smart health benefit decisions alone. For your people to better enroll and engage in their benefits, they need support. 

An experience that pays off

As an employer, your top priority is to take care of employees, engaging them in their health and wellbeing, while saving on costs. When your benefits strategy delivers a positive experience to your people, that’s when you’ll see a return. 

A benefits strategy that shines

Our value-led approach powered by advanced health technology allows employees to make clearer choices, putting you at ease. We work with you to put your benefits strategy to work, seven days of the week. 

Empower it all, all on one platform

We’ve created fully integrated and diverse health solutions designed for today and tomorrow. 

Keep engagement up

We use analytics to predict, personalize, synthesize and simplify, so employees are empowered to use their health benefits. 

Realize your ROI

We have the experience, technology and solutions to guarantee return on your spend. 

Our health solutions

Designed to help administer your health benefits, cut costs and unlock the wellbeing of your people.

Alight Total Health

Everything health on a single platform. A comprehensive solution where data-driven analytics guide your people to make better healthcare decisions and curb overspending. 


  • Single destination for employees’ health benefit needs
  • Data-driven engagement for better care
  • Lower healthcare costs with guaranteed ROI

Ease administrative burden and boost workforce wellbeing during enrollment and throughout the year. 


  • Configured to match annual enrollment strategy
  • Analytics and tools to help your people make smart decisions across the care spectrum
  • Omni-channel to meet people where they are

Guide your people to the right care from the start, saving money and improving healthcare outcomes. 


  • Identify highly-rated, cost-effective providers
  • Help employees become better consumers of healthcare
  • In the moment benefit and clinical guidance

Ensure your people have funds to cover important life expenses 


  • Help employees build and create wealth
  • Maximize your healthcare spend
  • Leverage insights on spending and saving

Holistic employee wellbeing programs 


  • Drive sustainable improvement with challenges, journeys and incentives
  • Timely, customized communications to sustain engagement
  • Personalized guidance to help individuals meet their unique wellbeing goals

Realize immediate cost savings while minimizing compliance risks 


  • Ongoing processes for stringent accuracy
  • Prevent loss and uncover massive cost savings
  • Easy form processing on cloud-based platform

Ready to learn more about our solutions?

Learn more about how we can help your business.

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Explore our other solutions


Cloud-based solutions that use analytics and AI to put your data to work.

Employee Guidance

Personalized assistance for your people throughout enrollment and beyond.

Retirement Benefits

Robust solutions to help your people grab hold of their financial future.


Holistic wellbeing designed for your unique employee needs.


Get the support you need to manage simple or complex leaves with respect, care and compassion.

Human Capital

Address modern workforce needs and create a high-performing culture.