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Alight Worklife R1 2022 release

Written by Josh Welch

Alight Worklife

Following the announcement of Alight Worklife® and its first mobile release in 2021, we’re excited to keep the momentum going in this new year with the R1 2022 Alight Worklife release. A milestone for Alight, R1 2022 marks the kickoff of our new product release structure and builds the foundation for a best-in-class employee experience.

Our new product release structure not only ensures we’re delivering consistent innovation and value to our clients, it also establishes predictability for clients, with more clarity around what types of exciting changes to expect and when.

We understand that people-first is company-centric and that the challenges of the past two years have caused a seismic shift in work and life priorities for so many.

Employees are searching for more value and purpose. And employers need new ways to enhance the employee experience and address the needs and wants of a diverse workforce. The R1 2022 release focuses on building a next-generation employee experience for today’s workforce that drives engagement by acting on what we know:

Alight Worklife

FACT: More than 8% of Americans own a smartphone and 70% of web traffic occurs on a mobile device. That’s why a mobile-friendly experience is so critical.1 In fact, 62% of US online adults expect a mobile-friendly website.2

ACTION: R1 2022 introduces the new data-backed Alight Worklife design that optimizes the mobile user experience and establishes a consistent look and feel across mobile and web.

Also, the new design better addresses accessibility needs to ensure the experience works for all types of users. We’ve applied iterative user testing and research with over 4K+ users and 84 studies over the past 12 months to drive experience improvements, from core navigation to new features.

Alight Worklife

FACT: A personalized experience matters more than ever now, particularly as employees are seeking help in making better decisions every day that impact their work and personal lives. Nearly 70% of consumers say they’re comfortable sharing their financial and health information for personalized support and 72% say they only engage with personalized messaging.3

ACTION: Building on Alight’s powerful AI-based personalization engine, R1 2022 delivers new capabilities to help employers deliver more impactful messages and content to users.

By introducing insights and journeys into Alight Worklife, we’re able to realize the power of personalization as an engagement tool. Insights deliver right to the home page personalized and relevant information and recommendations guiding individuals to take action toward improved health, wealth, and wellbeing outcomes while journeys guide them step-by-step through complex processes, making it easier than ever to take action. Now with messaging and content enabled through more channels, employees can access and receive information how and where they want (e.g., expanded text messages and mobile app notifications), driving greater awareness and behavior change helping to improve the return on your HR, benefits and program investments.

Alight Worklife

FACT: In today’s digital world, self-service is a growing preference among consumers. In fact, 67% prefer self-service over calling a company and 71% prefer an intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) over web content such as FAQs.4

ACTION: Expansion of IVA capabilities allow employees to solve their needs and questions more effectively in their channel of choice. With the R1 2022 enhancements to Lisa, Alight Worklife’s chatbot, users can easily engage with platform content. Lisa provides even more personalized responses including account balances and plan information. Users can also interact with Lisa and other great content in their channel of choice, such as via the Alight Mobile app as well as via a new Microsoft Teams integration and even smart devices like Amazon Alexa.

Structured release cycle:

  • Structured software release approach​

    • Major releases twice/year (RX)​

    • Iterative updates year-round​

  • Consistency and predictability for clients​

  • Enables proactive planning for new capabilities​

  • Limits adoption efforts with simplified deployments

  • Expanded communications and overview materials

New mobile-first design:

  • New mobile-first design went live in the Alight mobile app beginning in February

  • New experience extends to the web experience beginning in April delivering a consistent design across channels

  • Focused on enabling employers to provide a world-class employee experience while driving engagement, wellbeing, and improved return on investment

R2 2022

  • Our next major release is slated for July. Stay tuned for more information



3 Morgan, B (2020, Feb 18). 50 Stats Showing the Power of Personalization. Forbes

4 Luck, I. (2022, Mar 23). Why customers prefer self-service support, if it's done right. CustomerGuage.

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